Monday, August 23, 2010

Tag! You're it!

Happy Monday everyone! I have a great, reading inspired story to share.

Last week, a student checked out "Hush Hush" from my classroom. Today, when they had time to read, not only was she reading "Hush Hush," but another student had went to the library to check it out and was also reading it!

I couldn't help but smile and feel excited about the year to come. Everyone watch out - the reading bug is being passed around.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Casual Friday

It's "Casual Friday" and I feel good. I got a great amount of sleep last night and have had a great day at school. I'm wearing flip flops so for the first time all week my feet aren't murdering me and I've got my comfy jeans on. Now, I didn't get to wear my BV shirt because this casual Friday is also Picture Day.

Now, I hated School Picture Day throughout my childhood - I remember taking the pictures that my parents had paid for and throwing them away before I got home so my mom wouldn't mail them out. Today, wasn't so bad. Maybe I've grown up? Maybe I figure, hey ... this is as good as it's gonna get? I'm not 100 percent certain, but I think it has to do with my relaxed feet and my feel-good jeans.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Books Off the Shelves

The purpose of buying all the books, going to BEA, and blogging in the first place was for my students. It's the almost the end of the week and I am SO proud to say - it all worked and it was worth it. Many students have meandered around my bookshelves looking at the books. In the past three days I have "checked out" six books to students and I thought you'd be interested to hear what the first ten books were that came off my shelves and into students' hands.
  1. "Shiver" (Wednesday)
  2. "Hush, Hush" (Wednesday)
  3. "The Hunger Games" (Thursday)
  4. "The Island: Book One" (Thursday)
  5. "The Way of the Sword" (Thursday)
  6. "The Hunger Games" (Thursday)
  7. "The Lightning Thief" (Friday)
  8. "Son of the Mob: Hollywood Hustle" (Friday)
  9. "Sea" (Friday)
  10. "Son of the Mob" (Friday)
 Seeing these beloved books in the hands of my students is an extraordinary feeling. Yes, there is a moment where I see the student cracking the spine and folding back pages where I gasp and think "WAIT!!!" but in the end, books can be re-purchased (even signed ones) whereas a love of reading cannot.

Day Two!

Day two was great! I felt refreshed and more comfortable in the teaching role (and my feet didn't hurt so bad). I had two students ask if they could check out books from my private shelves. They took "Shiver" and "Hush Hush." I'm really excited to hear what they think!

Also, not that it's a big deal at all, but I was recognized. I was walking in the hall way between periods (so there were tons of people around) and one of my girls (she took "Shiver") said "Hey Miss Remmers." Yea, I almost died! And then I was back to class and another one of my girls from DEAR (drop everything and read) said - "Hey Miss Remmers! See you tomorrow!" In front of her friends, too!

All in all - it was a very great day! 

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

First Day!

I survived the first day of school (obviously). It was a great learning experience; the most important thing I learned - teaching is exhausting.

Yes, they preach that in college every year but until you're actually responsible for 155 kids you don't realize exactly how true it is.

Exciting things that happened: After first period we found a thong in the hallway. True story. I was hit on by a junior. And I had this conversation:

Nice young gentleman: "Are you new here?"
Me: "Yes!"
Subtle young gentleman: "Cool, what grade are you in?"
Me: "Uh, ninth."
Surprised young gentleman: "Wow! Really?"
Me: "Yea, I'm the new 9th grade reading teacher."
Awkward young gentleman: "Oh..."

After class I had to run into Walmart to get supplies for Wednesday's lessons and then we had open house from 6:30-8:30.

At 8:35 I crashed into bed.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Before the Bell Rings 8.16.10

It's been a long time since my last post and a lot has happened. I'll sum it up quick.
  • I survived student teaching.
  • I graduated
  • I traveled to NYC for a book fair by myself.
  • I attended over six weddings this summer.
  • I went to Louisville and St. Louis.
  • I made several trips to ND and SD
  • I managed to not be home a single weekend.
  • I started dating the man of my dreams.
  • I put thousands of miles on my car.
  • I found an apartment.
  • I obtained keys to my classroom.
  • I set up my classroom.
  • I attended new teacher inservice.
  • I turned 23 on my best friend's wedding ... er she got married on my 23rd birthday. Whatever.
  • I start school tomorrow.
So that's about it.

Okay, so a bunch of other stuff happened too, but that covers the most important stuff. It's now the night before my first day of teaching. Throughout my career I'll have many "first days of school," but tomorrow is my first and only "first day of teaching." Tomorrow's the day I've been preparing for throughout the last three years of college. The day my professors have "prepared" me for. But in all reality, I don't really remember a thing they said. I'm kind of winging it. Of course I have a "plan" - I wouldn't be me without one. But I'm definitely only a day ahead of the curve.

Hopefully I'll catch up tomorrow? :)

I, of course, am not sleeping and am repetitively going over my to do list. I just set my alarm for 5:30am, so... wish me luck!! 

"Before they were movies..." 
I took book covers/movie covers and put the information together. A few of my favorites are "The Number Four," "The Hunger Games," "Beastly," etc
Get Caught Reading - I will be adding student pictures soon. Look for an update.

My pride and joy: I'm really excited about this bulletin board.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Awkward Moment

Yesterday, in the same class that we had that great discussion on "The Power of Words," I read the sixth chapter aloud. It was a short chapter and the students asked me to read it; I obliged.

Now, this is my own fault. I'm having a hard time getting into "1984" and have barely been keeping up with my students. For instance, when I gave them time to read Chapter Five, I was reading Chapter Five too. So far, this had gone well. Until yesterday when I somehow got asked to read Chapter 6. I will say that I don't think these students knew what Chapter 6 was about, as many of them hadn't finished Chapter 5.

Chapter 6, of "1984" is about marriage and sex. This chapter talks about fortification, masturbation, and prostitution.

Did your jaw drop? Mine sure did after reading (aloud) the first two pages. It was a short chapter (thank goodness) that couldn't end soon enough. When it did end, I looked up at my class of seniors and saw a few suppressed giggles and smiles. I could think of nothing to say except, "Well that was awkward."