I apologize for this Blog Neglect (see funny picture).
Wait, you want to hear about my amazing new job?! Okay! It's a larger district, much larger than anywhere I thought I'd actually work. The school is new (this year) and, get this, the school library is also the community library. There is a community door to the outside of the 'bray and the door that connects the library to the school. This means that this library is "super-funded" (well, maybe not "super - but at least well-funded). I am so excited! The building is super nice - "Home of the Lynx!" and my room has a SmartBoard. The other two 9th grade reading teachers are both female and in their fifth years of teaching.

Oh, but I forgot to mention HOW I got the job. I interviewed at 1pm (after spending the morning in the local Barnes and Noble). Since I already had a job I literally walked in and we just talked about everything that mattered to me - books and students. They were extremely friendly and the interview went really well. Afterward, the secretary took me on a tour of the school. About halfway through the tour the intercom came on and asked that the secretary return with her guest to the office. After the tour, we returned to the office. I had to wait about thirty minutes (I got a lot read from "The Princess and the Bear"). Then, after the other applicant left, they asked me to come back in. Two others were in the conference room; they introduced themselves as the other Reading 9 teachers. We talked for a few minutes but they were very friendly; they seemed like people that I would like to hang out with outside of class. After that I got up to leave and the principal came back in and asked me to sit.

He then offered me the position! Less than an hour later, my mom calls saying the principal called her to tell her how well my interview went and that "even if she [I] decides [decide] not to join their family, she [I] will succeed wherever she [I] decide to go." (What a crazy sentence!) He also called my CT (Cooperating Teacher) and my Principal!
I didn't really know what to say then - so he gave me 24 hours to decide. It was a rough ride home, I spent most of the drive on the phone talking to family and friends before I finally made a decision. When I had about 20 miles left I knew what I wanted, but there was one other person to talk to. T. When I finally called him, he was as supportive as I knew he would be. He completely understood and thought that this particular school, even though it was further away, was the best choice. He was so excited for me!
I called both principals on Wednesday morning. I called the school I was declining first. That went extremely well - nothing to fear. Then I called my "chosen" school and accepted. The principal was so excited and genuinely happy. He said he'd get my contract in the mail and that soon after I graduate he'd like to invite me back to do a day of observing, get materials, get keys, and look for apartments ect.
Wow. I've finally got a job and it's an absolute dream! I am so excited! Even though it's not what I expected, this job is everything I've wanted. It seems like a mini-Northern; I'll have plenty of opportunities for leadership and I'll get to know everyone really well. This week they are doing a "Dancing with the Staff" to raise money for a faculty member adopting a baby from China. The students who chose to participate picked a staff member to be their partner. The gym will be filled and the judges will choose who to eliminate! How exciting!
I won't say where the job is - but I will say one thing ... despite my fear of cats: "Go Lynx!"
ReplyDeleteCongratulations, it sounds like a fantastic job. Once you've started, I'd love to hear about the school/community library and how it works.
Congrats on the job! How exciting to have choices. The next time my husband goes up to that area for work, I might have to hitch a ride and come say "hi.!"