Tuesday, January 19, 2010


While many readers may recognize me from my review blog, Miss Remmers' Review, I wanted to create this blog more for family and any one else interested in my daily life. At Miss Remmers' Review, sometimes I find myself feeling censored because it has such a definite purpose. I want to be able to share (with those who care) things that are going on in my life, which is (at the time) most notably my quest for a job. I am beginning the hunt for the perfect job as I will graduate in May.

As my mom and I have discussed, 2010 is my year. I will graduate, find a suitable job (hopefully), attend four weddings (as of right now - two of which I am a Bridesmaid), move to where ever said job is, buy/rent my first place, and officially grow up.

It's a scary thought. I know.

I can't guarantee a post every day, but whenever something interesting happens - you'll know about it. I will also not be spending a drastic amount of time to formatting this blog as I have my hands cut out with Miss Remmers' Review. But this won't be a completely lame blog - I solemly swear that I will be as funny as possible.

Aside from my outlook on the job hunt, I also plan on using this blog to record my 2010 Goals and to (hopefully) give some direction to my recreational writing.

So, without a clever conclusion, blogosphere, here I am.


  1. wow, this is a big year for you. look forward to seeing how it all plays out! :)
